tags: LUA
LUA is a widely used programming language.
It can control the base level of component, can control the lower level language (e.g. C, JAVA…).
It can be used in app implementation.
basic syntax
- print(‘’) / print(“”)
- print(1==1)
- return true
- print(1~=1)
- return false (not !=)
- can multiply set value for parameters
- a,b,c,d = 1,2
- print(a,b,c,d)
- return 1,2,nil,nil
- and or not
- print(1 and 1)
- return 1
- print(1 or nil)
- return 1
- print(not nil)
- return true
- print(1 and 1)
- print(‘Hello’..’world’)
- return Helloworld
- count length
- print(#’abcd’)
- return 4
- aa = ‘Hello, world!’
- print(#aa)
- return 13
- print(string.len(aa))
- return 13
- print(#’abcd’)
- comment –[[long comment here]]
- if
- if 1==1 then
- print(‘aa’)
- end
- while
- while 1==2 do
- print(‘should never print’)
- end
- for
- for i=1,3 do print(i) end
- 1,2,3
- for i=1,10,2 do print (i) end
- 1,3,5,7,9
- for i=1,3 do print(i) end
- repeat
- repeat will at least execute once
- repeat print(‘aa’) until 1<10 (成立的情況就跳出去)
- aa
function declaration
- function echo_aa()
- print(aa)
- end